Ko ta maatau hopi rehu kanohi-maori katoa ka eke ki runga ake i te horoi noa. Ka whakamakuku me te whangai i nga kamo kia pai ake te ahua. I hangaia me nga tangohanga hua me te waikawa citric, ka whakamakuku to tatou shampoo kamo i te waahi kanohi mo te kiri ahua taiohi ake, me te whakakaha hoki i nga whiu maori.
- Ka tino horoi i nga makawe makawe karekau kia pai ake te ahua o nga kamo
- Ka taea te tango i te paru, hinu, whakapaipai
- He kaihoroi hukahuka ngawari me te ngawari, he haumaru, he hinu kore, he kore-riri
- Whakamahia kia kotahi ia ra, ko te mahi nui kia roa ai o whiu
Hopi Mata
Luxe Cosmetic's is dedicated to curating innovative products from the best names in skincare. From anti-acne solutions to age-defying ingredients, we aim to bring you products you'll fall in love with.
However, we understand that not every product will work for every person. If you're not completely satisfied with a product, start a return and send us your items within 7 days of your purchase date. We're happy to discuss your concerns and recommend products that might be a better fit for you.
To be eligible for refund or exchange:
Returns must be postmarked within 7 calendar days from the date you received the product
Items must be returned unopened, undamaged, and in their original packaging.
A copy of your receipt from Luxe Cosmetics must be included with the return.
Please Note: We are unable to offer exchanges or refunds for products returned due to skin irritation. We stand by the quality of the products we sell, but certain ingredients (e.g. retinol) may cause irritation to very sensitive skin. To help you avoid irritation or allergic reaction, a full ingredient list is displayed on each product page. If you're having trouble deciding what products might work best for your skin, shop by skin type or contact us for a recommendation. We're happy to help!
We are unable to cover return shipping costs. You’re welcome to choose whichever courier you prefer – just remember to pack properly to ensure your return arrives undamaged.
Mail returns to:
Email directly for information
Once we receive your returned item, we'll let you know. We'll inspect the product for any damage or signs of use. After inspection, we'll share the status of your refund with you immediately.
If your return is approved, you'll receive a full refund credited to your original payment method. Any original shipping fees are non-refundable. Please allow up to two weeks for your return to be processed.
Luxe Cosmetics reserves the right to change and update this return policy at any time.